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NEW PRICING ANNOUNCEMENT 📢 (because this economy really sucks)

Updated: Apr 3, 2023

Money has long been a taboo topic for people, but times are changing, and if you're living in the United States, you are probably already well aware of the state of the American economy. Talk of the "R" word is everywhere: recession. Some sources are saying this one is going to hit us harder than we've seen in generations which means our financial spending is going to be getting even more limited.

Gas is averaging $3.69 in my area, and the price of eggs at some stores is topping $7 a dozen. (Remember when we could get a dozen eggs for a dollar and some change?) Times are tough on everyone, and it would be catastrophically unfair if business didn't adjust to the economical climate we're in.

My husband and I follow the news relatively closely, and we've been making adjustments in our personal lives to better reflect the changes in the economic developments we are all experiencing. We're downsizing, cutting out unnecessary expenses, and reconstructing our budget in a way that feels more manageable and way less stressful. And we aren't the only ones doing this. A lot of friends and family members are having to do the same things.

While the home-front is undergoing financial changes, so is business. Rose Avenue Literary stands on pillars of education, literacy, and encouragement for authors at all stages of their writing careers, and I realize how important it is to make literary education and editorial services accessible to everyone needing them. I worked with several major publishing houses over the years, and the amount of information that is being gatekept from the general public is astonishing. I vowed I would never allow my business to become an untouchable hoard of secret knowledge only accessible to deep-pocketed clients. Excuse my language, but... f*ck that.

In an effort to become more accessible to all authors, Rose Avenue Literary has:

- dropped prices for all editorial services

- added an extended 12-month payment plan option

- and now offers more customizable options for writers needing something that works for THEM

The services themselves have not changed - only the prices - which means you'll still be getting the same high-quality services you're used to at a much lower price range. With the new prices, authors will save an average of $500 for any of my editorial services. (For customizable services, tell me what you need and what you feel comfortable budgeting for when you fill out my intake form. You'd be surprised what is available to you if you only ask.) New pricing is as follows:

- Conceptual Editing - $75/hr

- Developmental Editing ($0.03 per word)

- Copyediting ($0.02 per word)

- Proofreading ($0.02 per word)

Please don't misinterpret these changes. This is not a sales pitch or some sleezy way to make a buck off of the current state of the economy. I hate capitalism as much as the next person. How is it okay that the rich keep getting richer while everyone else slips into worsening conditions and the country falls deeper into debt? We have revolutionized for less. But I digress.

This is me, Danielle - a fellow author and educator - attempting to break down some of the obstacles keeping authors from accomplishing their dream of finishing and publishing their book. No one should be limited when it comes to pursuing something that brings them joy or happiness, regardless of the state of the country.

I am all the time looking for ways to improve Rose Avenue to become more inclusive, accessible, and educational for writers. If there is something you would like to see from me - a service, blog article, advice, what have you - message me on any of my platforms! I will message you back.

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