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So, You Want to be a Writer: 5 Things to Keep in Mind

When I was younger, I did not know I would be a writer. Growing up, writing was just a hobby, something that I always enjoyed. I would spend hours crafting characters in my mind, imagining wild creatures, and creating elaborate new worlds. When I finally decided that I wanted to pursue writing as a career I was not sure where to start. There are many aspects to consider when deciding where to go as a writer and what kind of writer you would like to be. Understanding the wondrous world of writing can be overwhelming, especially if you do not know where to start. It can be challenging not to become discouraged. Therefore, to help those who have just recently started writing, here is a compiled list of things I wish I had known.

I. It is a Commitment

People always told me that if you want to be good at something, you have to practice, practice, practice. Writing is a skill that is no different. The more you write, the better your writing will become. Many well-known authors recommend writing every day, and it is a recommendation I agree with. This does not mean that you have to be writing in-depth stories every day. Your writing can come in all different forms, whether it is in a diary, poems, or just jotting down notes, as long as you are writing something. This doesn’t mean the writing you do every day must be perfect or really even good. After all, the bad must be written down before it can become good. Speaking from personal experience, when I read some of the things I wrote years ago, I cringe and want to stop. This might seem like a bad reaction, but it shows that my writing has improved. Improvement which only happened because I chose to continue writing.

Now if you’ve done lots of practicing and you think you’re ready to write a book, then a new level of commitment arises. Writing books is not typically an endeavor that happens overnight. Not only does writing a book take time, but so does the process of getting it to the shelves. This means you must be ready to commit time and energy to your book's journey. Of course, it is a journey worth the commitment, but it is essential that you understand the extent of the commitment before you dive into something unprepared.

II. Where the Money is

As previously stated, writing is a commitment, and depending on what avenue you want to publish your works through, you may not see the financial benefits from your hard work immediately. For this reason, many authors find another way to support themselves. In fact, it is not incredibly common that any authors, no matter how successful, are solely authors. Most pursue other careers as well. These other careers might be writing for large companies, teaching, marketing, or any other avenue. Having multiple careers can be negative if it begins to take a level of time and commitment that diminishes your ability to write. That is why it is crucial to balance your priorities so that you still make time to write.

Some people might not like the idea of being a writer while also maintaining another job, which is fair because life can get busy. However, there are more benefits to maintaining more than one career. Many people write about things that they know and have experienced. By having a career outside of writing you will be exposed to more experiences than if you were a full-time author staying at home and spending all your days writing. Therefore, accumulating different careers will allow you to learn more about the world and other people—lessons that you might later use as inspiration for your writings.

III. How Publishing and Marketing Works

Publishing is something that can be incredibly daunting for many aspiring authors. It is commonly understood that publishing is incredibly challenging and only for a select few. This is true in some cases, especially when going through traditional publishing companies. However, there are other means of publishing that are sometimes easier and more manageable than submitting to large publishing companies. One of these options is Amazon KDP. A more in-depth look at how Amazon KDP works, and other means of publishing, can be found here.

Publishing and marketing can seem overwhelming at first, but do not let that prevent you from writing. Something that might be beneficial to do when you first start writing is looking at what you like to read, and how these stories are targeted towards you. What made you reach for the book in the first place? Where did you stumble upon this book? These are all things to keep in mind while you are writing your stories. Click here for some more helpful tips about how to most efficiently navigate the world of marketing.

IV. Have a Support System

As previously stated, when looking at publishing and marketing, breaking into the writing industry can be intimidating and sometimes quite tricky. For this reason, it is essential to surround yourself with people who are supportive of your choice to pursue writing as a career. As is the case with many careers in the arts, people will often be skeptical in regard to the lack of financial stability within the writing industry. People may ask why you have chosen this path or if you think it is something that is really worth your time. I have personally encountered many skeptics, and for some time they kept me from sharing my passion for writing. My passion was something I kept tucked away and hid for most of my life. The fear of skeptics and criticism is something that still plagues me after years of writing. It is important to be prepared for these comments, and not to let them destroy your love for writing. Having people supporting you, and your interest, makes it much easier to continue as a writer.

Finding a community that embraces your interest in writing can help you grow into the author you want to be. Communities can also greatly benefit your overall success. Of course, finding a welcoming community is sometimes easier said than done. One step to finding people who share your love of writing is by joining a writing club or even a book club in your community. Support for your writing can be found through other writers in the community. Personally, I never realized how integral writer friends were until I made one of my own. Writing friends can relate to your struggles, are able to laugh with you over the dialogue you wrote for your characters and are a wonderful source to help inspire you. They are a huge factor that help encourage you to keep striving to achieve your goals.

V. Learning from Stories Around You

Sometimes when people first begin to write they believe that in order to be a proficient writer you must take the fanciest and most expensive classes. While these classes are sometimes beneficial, often the best way to learn how to write is through looking at the stories around you. These stories might be books, articles, plays, movies or any other type of media. You may find yourself focusing on the plot, the setting or the characters, and whether or not you believe they are well written or not. I like to call this a side effect of becoming a writer. In my experience, I’ve found critiquing other writing has taken away some of my enjoyment from things I once loved. I’ll make comments about how the dialogue of a television show could have been written better, or I will be reading a description in a book and think it is unrealistic or confusing. I often question, why can’t I just sit back and enjoy the source of the story as a whole?

While this side effect may seem like a negative aspect of becoming a writer, I believe that it is a signifier that you are becoming an active participant in the stories you are consuming. It indicates that you are thinking critically about the stories, and how you would approach them if you were writing them. Stories are all around us, and it is important to remember that sometimes the best way to learn how to write is to look at what has already been written. Those stories are (or aren’t) successful for a reason. If this is a side effect that you already have, then congratulations, you're on the road to becoming a full-blown writer. If it is something you have yet to experience, keep on writing, and you will notice it sooner than you think.

To Wrap Things Up…

Writing allows communities to develop and all kinds of experiences to be shared. Becoming a writer will likely change the way you think and the way you interact with the world for the better. Writing is a skill that you will continue to develop and learn about the more you do it. With that said, there are a few things to consider before committing to becoming a full-time writer. Hopefully this article has provided a few insights that you otherwise might not have considered, and you feel more prepared to continue on the path to become the writer you aspire to be.

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